Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 5 out of 5 Controllers, Royalty AwardReview Source: NetGalleyReviewer: MeO.M.G. This Girl is IT girls. This Girl is phenomenal, delightful, tearful, joyful and soulful. This Girl is worth shouting from the mountain tops, singing praises into the wee hours of the night, and worth abandoning everything else you want to read. This Girl will be your end all – the beginning to an ever lasting friendship with author Colleen Hoover. If you’ve never been in love, dreamed of love, had love and lost love, or finally FOUND love, then you will understand and relate to every emotion felt in This Girl. “I lie back on my pillow and think back to that day. The day that I fell for my wife.” – Will Hoover’s a master storyteller. Her writing is lyrical – akin to listening to someone’s fingers caressing the keys on a piano. Every word drew me in. Every sentence left me captivated by the soul inspiring – earth shattering romance between Layken and Will. Where the hell have I been people? Why have I never read anything by Colleen Hoover before???? I think I ought to smack myself a couple hundred thousand times. Her writing is BEYOND words. And Will’s story is beyond anything I’ve ever felt for a character before. He’s the kind of guy you WISH you met. He’s the kind of guy every girl DREAMS of meeting. His story will produce TEARS! *cry* *CRY* Go ahead and have those tissues ready! You’ve been warned. I kiss her.I kiss her like it’s the first time I’ve ever kissed her.I kiss her like it’s the last time I’ll ever kiss her. – WillAccording the internet, This Girl is actually a companion to the first two novels which tells the entire love story from Will’s point of view. Not having read Slammed or Point of Retreat, I can only say that This Girl can work as a standalone title – however you will be wishing you had read the other two. TRUST ME! I bought them both immediately after I hit the epilogue. *cries* *STILL CRYING* The most amazing thing about the novel is the authenticity of its characters. Never once did I say, “oh this character is so one dimensional”. Each character brings a spark to the pages. Something that keeps you reading – something that keeps reeling you back in. You cry with them (A LOT). You laugh with them. You cherish them for who they are, the choices they make, and the love that holds them together.She laughs. “I can tell. You can’t keep your mouth off it. Most guys prefer the ass or the boobs. Will Cooper prefers the neck.” I shade my head, disagreeing with her while I continue running my lips across her incredibly smooth skin. “Nope,” I say. “Will Cooper prefers the whole Lake.” – Lake and Will Overall, I can’t stop gushing about this book. Heck I can’t stop gushing about the author. YOU NEED TO READ IT! You NEED to seek out this author. Colleen Hoover, I think you made a fan girl out of me!!! *swoon*