Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 4.5 out of 5 ControllersReview Source: AuthorReviewer: AimeeKayA Class Apart started really slowly for me. That, in addition to how it began in the present then went back to lead up to where it started had me wondering when some things would finally click into place.However, once it started to pick up the pace it was well worth the wait at the beginning. There were some definite twists and turns. Up until the last minute I was sure I knew who the bad guys were, and when the truth came out I wasn’t as surprised as I could have been, but it didn’t ruin the story for me. In fact it made the story heartbreaking, but beautiful at the same time.I like the interactions between Sam and James. They were good kids stuck in a crazy situation, but they didn’t let what was happening to them go to their heads.The other characters had some very interesting turns as well. I truly hated some characters even more than the actual villains by the end; but mainly because they were truly horrible people in their own right, even though they weren’t actually the bad guys. I wanted to shake one of them so much and I hope that somewhere in the series she gets her just deserts. However at the same time, if I never see her in any of the following books I won’t complain.I was frustrated by the fact that more of the mystery wasn’t revealed by the end of the story. Yes the ending was a cliff hanger with some VERY ominous undertones, but I think that giving a little more clue about what was truly going on wouldn’t have hurt the story that much.As it is I would gladly read more to find out about who or what James and Samantha really are, as well as whom Lolly is and why she is such a sociopath. I hope the next story comes out soon.I give this one 4 ½ out of 5 controllers. Only because the beginning felt like I had to push to get through, and I wished there had been a bit more conclusions given out at the end. But I definitely liked it and would recommend reading it. I would even recommend it to younger teen/mid grade readers. While there are some very creepy parts I think that it would definitely be a great book for a new reader as well as more experienced ones. The story has enough going for it that I feel it will keep older readers drawn in as well.